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Welcome to Rolley Family Chiropractic!

Where your health and well-being comes first!

At this office, our mission is to improve the quality of your life. We know that health is so much more than just not feeling pain. We strive to have our patients reach their fullest innate potential.

Dr. Rolley is a graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa.

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Health Articles

Aggression and Hyperactivity in a Boy with Autism Spectrum Disorder Helped with Chiropractic
Aggression and Hyperactivity in a Boy with Autism Spectrum Disorder Helped with Chiropractic
A case study reported in the fourth quarter issue of the Asian-Pacific Chiropractic Journal documented the case of a young boy who was helped by chiropractic with issues of aggression, hyperactivity, and poor social functioning stemming from his Autism Spectrum Disorder, (ASD). . . .
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Better Sleep, More Energy, Decreased Pain, and More Benefits with Chiropractic
Better Sleep, More Energy, Decreased Pain, and More Benefits with Chiropractic
The second quarter 2024 issue of the Asian-Pacific Chiropractic Journal published the results of a case study documenting multiple improvements in the quality and daily function of a patient undergoing chiropractic care. The patient was initially searching for relief from her pain. However, after receiving . . .
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Severe Chronic Pain and Disability After Car Accident Helped by Chiropractic
Severe Chronic Pain and Disability After Car Accident Helped by Chiropractic
Automobile accidents are a common occurrence. The National Law Review ran an article on January 26, 2021, by attorney Richard P. Console, Jr. that stated, "Rear-end accidents are among the most common types of car accidents. They are also very dangerous. These accidents occur most often while one vehicle . . .
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Chiropractic Care Helps Toddler with Numerous Neurological Dysfunctions
Chiropractic Care Helps Toddler with Numerous Neurological Dysfunctions
On July 1, 2024, the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health Chiropractic published the results of a case that documented a toddler's improvement, with chiropractic, of a variety of neurological issues and developmental delays. . . .
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9:00 - 1:00, 2:30 - 7:00
 9:00 - 1:00, 2:30 - 7:00
 9:00 - 1:00, 2:30 - 6:00


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